Checking our lists; Adams, Curnoe, Collins, Kurelek, McCarthy, Pratt, Snow

Oh, we’re making a list and checking it twice!

Greg Curnoe, NII, 1992, stamp pad ink on paper, 9" x 12

Greg Curnoe, NII, 1992, stamp pad ink on paper, 9″ x 12

-for colour

Nicole Collins, Jungle, 1998, wax, oil & pigment on canvas, 12" x 12"

Nicole Collins, Jungle, 1998, wax, oil & pigment on canvas, 12″ x 12″

-and a dab of orange!

Kim Adams, Maquette for Mini Ride, 2006, Maquette for Mini Ride

Kim Adams, Maquette for Mini Ride, 2006

-for the ride!

Michael Snow, Wood Calling Bronze, 1989, bronze and wood base, 16" x 9" x 6"

Michael Snow, Wood Calling Bronze, 1989, bronze and wood base, 16″ x 9″ x 6″

-for calling home!

William Kurelek, Pink Trowel, 1975, mixed media on masonite, 8" x 14"

William Kurelek, Pink Trowel, 1975, mixed media on masonite, 8″ x 14″

-for troweling!

Mary Pratt, Jelly, 1978, original 14 stone colour lithograph on paper

Mary Pratt, Jelly, 1978, original 14 stone colour lithograph on paper, 7″ x 8.5″, 39/43

-for food to share!

Doris McCarthy, Skaters on the pond, Fool's Paradise, circa 1963, original wood engraving

Doris McCarthy, Skaters on the pond, Fool’s Paradise, circa 1963, original wood engraving, 5″ x 6 1/4″.

-for fun on the frozen pond!

Doris McCarthy Iceberg Series 2, 1973-2011, collograph

Doris McCarthy, Iceberg Series 2, 1973-2011, collograph, 20″ x 21″

-and a bigger pond!

Posted December 11th, 2024, by admin.