Oh, we’re making a list and checking it twice!

Greg Curnoe, NII, 1992, stamp pad ink on paper, 9″ x 12
-for colour

Nicole Collins, Jungle, 1998, wax, oil & pigment on canvas, 12″ x 12″
-and a dab of orange!

Kim Adams, Maquette for Mini Ride, 2006
-for the ride!

Michael Snow, Wood Calling Bronze, 1989, bronze and wood base, 16″ x 9″ x 6″
-for calling home!

William Kurelek, Pink Trowel, 1975, mixed media on masonite, 8″ x 14″
-for troweling!

Mary Pratt, Jelly, 1978, original 14 stone colour lithograph on paper, 7″ x 8.5″, 39/43
-for food to share!

Doris McCarthy, Skaters on the pond, Fool’s Paradise, circa 1963, original wood engraving, 5″ x 6 1/4″.
-for fun on the frozen pond!

Doris McCarthy, Iceberg Series 2, 1973-2011, collograph, 20″ x 21″
-and a bigger pond!