William Kurelek, Nature and Wisdom

William Kurelek, Untitled (Nature and Wisdom), c.1976, mixed media on board, 24" x 24"

William Kurelek, Untitled (Nature and Wisdom), c.1976, mixed media on board, 24″ x 24″

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Nature and Wisdom

William Kurelek mixes love and compassion in this rare painting centered on the tender scene of home and domesticity, while touching on a number of classic/trademark Kurelek interests–the droll humour of the knowing and mischievous cat hungrily eyeing the proceedings, while perched on a stand emblazoned with the motto Nature and Wisdom (see detail). Out the window we see not a misty Renaissance landscape referenced by the composition, but the joy of youthful play in a verdant garden with, in the distance, a dog chasing a ball and a kite reaching into the heavens

The painting is surrounded by Kurelek’s trademark style handmade frame, which compliments the nature of the painting and relates to the finely detailed painted wallpaper within.

Kurelek donated the painting to the La Leche League International Conference which was held in Toronto in 1977, where it was acquired by the current owner from a fund-raising silent auction.

William Kurelek, Untitled (Nature and Wisdom), c.1976, Acrylic on board, 24" x 24" (detail)

William Kurelek, Untitled (Nature and Wisdom), c.1976, Acrylic on board, 24″ x 24″ (detail)

Posted December 5th, 2019, by admin.