Michael Snow, a seminal era 1955 to 1966

Our studies began at the Ontario College of Art in 1966. By the time we formed Aggregation Gallery in 1968, (the predecessor to Wynick/Tuck Gallery), Michael Snow, alongside Greg Curnoe and Doris McCarthy had set their paths and made a mark that we learned and benefitted from.

It is our pleasure to bring together work from this seminal period by these three artists who have made their impact known for many years and whose work continues to capture our imagination today.

This week: Michael Snow

Michael Snow, Finding Walking, 1966, graphite on paper

Michael Snow, Finding Walking, 1966, graphite on paper, 10″ x 9.5″

Michael Snow’s drawing, Finding Walking, 1966, was made during a very fertile time in the arts in Canada and abroad from 1961 – 1967 – a period of flux.

One cannot underestimate the importance of the WW project for Snow and for the viewer, covering a span of seven years and encompassing an extraordinary period of his growth and experimentation in multi-media. With the figure/cut-out as vehicle for formalist invention and improvisations, the stage was set.

Finding Walking captures the essence and a moment of time and we are very pleased to present this fine drawing now.

Michael Snow, Stool, 1955, graphite on paper

Michael Snow, Stool, 1955, graphite on paper, 13″ x 8″

One can see in Stool, 1955, the creative force and experimentation in this striking drawing. Snow simply animates the form and essence of an everyday piece of furniture, likely a fixture in his studio.

Looking at a stool, a chair, a table, etc. in our daily lives will never be the same having spent time with this transformative work!

Posted April 28th, 2022, by admin.