Open House, Saturday, May 23, 12- 4 pm
WTG@S27, Informal Ideas: time and space
Kim Adams, Greg Curnoe, Gerald Ferguson, John Hall, William Kurelek, Doris McCarthy, Evan Penny and Michael Snow.

Michael Snow, X30, 1979, colour photograph, 44″ x 26″
View more works by Michael Snow
It is always a pleasure to discover the relationships among the artists’ work in the current collections in our studio at Studio S27, 401 Richmond Street West.
The current installation pairs the Michael Snow work on paper Drawing Woman, from the Walking Woman series, and the Evan Penny Study no.4 for Mask, an early figurative sculpture. Another intriguing pairing combines work of Greg Curnoe and Kim Adams. Curnoe, in the watercolour Zone, referred to Zone township which was near his home in London, Ontario. Kim Adams’ Study for Mini Ride is a recent model referencing one of his first large outdoor installations from his early years in Vancouver.
Other related work in the collection includes John Hall, Doris McCarthy, Gerald Ferguson and William Kurelek.
The 401 Richmond Street West building will be open during Doors Open week-end, participating as Doors Ajar on Saturday, May 23.
Our door will be ajar, 12-4 pm as we welcome you to an informal gathering and to view the current collection.
We are open at other times by chance or by appointment.
We are located at the southwest corner, lower level of 401 Richmond Street West.

Michael Snow, Drawing Walking, 1962, graphite on paper, 13″ x 17

Evan Penny, Study no.4 for Mask, 1989, bronze, 10″ x 7″ x 5″

Greg Curnoe, Zone, 1980, watercolour on paper, 9″ x 7″

Kim Adams, Maquette for Mini Ride, 2006, plastic model parts and brass, 8″ x 6″ x 3″