Spring Ready and Summer Dreaming

With Spring now officially upon us, out come the saws, bikes and bathing suits and dreaming of watery summer landscapes and summer travels.

A collection of works to celebrate the change of seasons!

William Kurelek, 1975, mixed media on board, 16" x 28"

Hand Saw, William Kurelek, 1975, mixed media on board, 16″ x 28″

View other William Kurelek works

Kim Adams, 1998, Aluminum, rubber, steel, 36'" x 72"

Every Which Way, Kim Adams, 1998, Aluminum, rubber, steel, 36′” x 72″

View other Kim Adams works

John Hall, Tourist II, 1980, acrylic on canvas, 24" x 24"

John Hall, Tourist II, 1980, acrylic on canvas, 24″ x 24″

View other John Hall works

Michael Snow, 1962, ink on paper, 7.75" x 6.25"

U.S Air Corps (WW), Michael Snow, 1962, ink on paper, 7.75″ x 6.25″

View other Michael Snow works

Greg Curnoe, 1971, watercolour, stamp pad ink & pencil

Pangnirtung Looking North, Greg Curnoe, 1971, watercolour, stamp pad ink & pencil

View other Greg Curnoe works

Doris McCarthy, 1991, oil on canvas, 24" x 30"

Antarctica from the Heights, Doris McCarthy, 1991, oil on canvas, 24″ x 30″

Doris McCarthy, 1987, watercolour on paper, 15" x 22"

Point Au Persil, PQ, Summer Home, Doris McCarthy, 1987, watercolour on paper, 15″ x 22″

View other Doris McCarthy works

Posted April 3rd, 2015, by admin.