Ted Rettig, breathe, voice and graciousness, 2007,ceramic, 9" x 9" x 4"
March 05, 2013
We are pleased to bring to your attention our new location and services. We are now open by appointment at 401 Richmond Street West, Studio S27. With the exception of our Studio number, our contact information remains the same:
Wynick/Tuck Gallery
401 Richmond Street West, Studio S27
Toronto, Ontario
M5V 3A8
For further information or to make an appointment to view work, please contact:

Doris McCarthy, Icebergs and Floes, 1998, oil on canvas,30" x 36"
As well as our appraisal and related services, we are continuing to promote the work of major Canadian artists and will present on-line collections and the occasional pop-up gallery exhibition.
We are introducing the on-line collections with a fine group of work consisting of Doris McCarthy paintings, and Guido Molinari works on paper.

Guido Molinari, Carres Blues, 1969 pastel on paper, 39" x 92"
We also are continuing the represent the estates of Greg Curnoe and William Kurelek, and the work of Ted Rettig. Rettig has been with the gallery since 1974. 2014 marks his 40th anniversary with the gallery. We will be presenting an exhibition of his work to mark this occasion. More on that later. Please also visit the artists page for more information and other works available.
Other News:
We are pleased to also announce that several of our former gallery artists are now represented at the following galleries;
Gerald Ferguson at Olga Korper Gallery (exhibition opens March 2, 2013)
Janice Gurney at Birch Libralato Gallery
Colette Laliberté at Katzman Kamen Gallery, (exhibition opens March 8, 2013)
Monica Tap at MKG127
Carol Wainio at Paul Petro Gallery, (exhibition opens February 22, 2013)
Also Carol Wainio’s exhibition Old Masters opens at the Kitchener Waterloo Art Gallery, March 8 – April 28, 2013, Artist Talk and Opening Reception: Friday, March 8 at 7 PM with opening remarks at 8 PM. http://www.kwag.ca/en/

Greg Curnoe, Goodyear Collage, March 24, 1962stamp pad ink, collage, 4 ½" x 7¾"
Later this Spring we will introduce an expanded website that will present more fully our new direction and will also link to our existing archive of documentation and past exhibitions.